2002 Siemens Sonocur ESWT Shockwave lithotripsy systems for sale and available now. This machine has been under service contracts and it has been tested and it is in great condition.
The shock count for this system is under 1,000,000 shocks.
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2004 Siemens Sensation 10 Slice CT Scanner
Single Console
Tube has 180,000 slices
Software level VB 10B SP1
Care bolus
Care Vision
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2005 Siemens Symphony 1.5T Sprint Mobile
Numaris/ 4
Syngo MR A35 DHHS
Coils: Head Array, Shoulder, Spine Array, Neck Array, Extremity, Body, L Flex, S Flex
Active Shielding
Gradient mTm: K2217/2000V380A/SR75
Slew Rate: 75
Phased Array, Perfusion,
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2005 Siemens Novation DR Digital Mammography System Original tube
Detector was replaced six months ago. Aquisition workstation,
Physicians Review Workstation,
R2 Checker CAD system, all paddles
Located in the northeast
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WANTED Siemens 1.5T MRI, including Siemens Magneton Symphony and Siemens Magneton Avanto MRIs. Please contact us if you are considering selling.
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I am curently look for these Cath Labs: Siemens Axiom Artis, GE INNOVA 3100, Philips FD20
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I am currently looking for these MRs: Siemens Espree or Toshiba Vantage
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Results 1 - 7 of 7